Cosmic Confection

This print endeavors to capture the ethereal beauty of the cosmos through an unexpected lens: an ice lolly. This seemingly ordinary object transforms into a portal to the vast expanse of space, where dots meticulously arranged mimic the celestial dance of stars within a galaxy.

—“Woodblock Design”—

A timelapse revealing the placement of dots. These dots are manually set with parameters that enable a drill bit to travel down to an appropriate depth to create dots of various radai.

—“Woodblock Carving”—

My design superimposed over the wood. The dots and carved lines are placed by hand, and then cut on a cnc.

— “Woodblock Prints” —

Celestial Confection is a relief print constructed using various woodblocks. Two of which are shown here. The sliders reveal the Woodblock and the relief print taken from it.

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